Jouke Hoogeveen remedial educationist
 José Arts play therapist
 Theo Hoogendoorn event organisor, play therapist
 Marleen Haentjes-van Meeteren, play therapist
 Barbara van der Gulik play therapist
 Daenne Sinkeler play therapist
 Wopke van Akkeren speach therapist
 Everyke play therapist
 Marlies cranio sacral therapist
 Coleta friend of brother
 Milica Fransen teacher, friend from Serbija
 Silvia Fransen teacher, friend
 Corrie remedial educationist
 Cindy fysio therapist
 Clara fysio therapist
 Frank friend
 Jeltje play therapist
 Slavka friend
 Vivienne play therapist
 Brigitte wife of friend
 Edwin teacher, neighbour
 Gerard van der Laan teacher, neighbour
 Freya, student play therapist
 Ilona, student play therapist
 Jet student play therapist
 Ariette student play therapist
 Cheyenne student play therapist
 Dagmar student play therapist
 Marion student play therapist
 Jan play therapist